
Visiting your dentist St John’s Wood on a regular basis is important whether you are a child, teenager, young adult or elderly. At different stages of our life, our dental health can become compromised; therefore, if you visit your dentist at least once every six months, then any underlying health complications can be detected very early on and treated successfully before they can cause irreversible damage to your teeth.

Children visiting the dentist

Young children are prone to developing cavities in their teeth because they often enjoy sugary treats, snacks, fruit juices and milk drinks. Children must get used to the good habit of cleaning their teeth twice a day; however, they will need to be supervised because most children cannot brush their teeth as efficiently as required. If you avoid taking your child to your dentist, cavities may form in their teeth, resulting in discomfort and decay. If you visit your dentist regularly with your children, then their teeth will remain clean and healthy, and your dentist will be able to provide them with proper dental health education that can be instilled into them for the rest of their lives. Regular appointments can also help to form a good relationship between your child and your dentist, reducing your child’s chance of developing dental anxiety and phobia in the future.


As an adult, there are times in your life when your teeth may be more prone to decay or disease. For example, pregnant women may experience gum disease or even wobbly teeth. This is because several factors, such as hormonal changes in the body, make you more prone to infection, and your gums can become infected, swollen and likely to bleed when you brush your teeth. If this is not treated, then it can cause further complications and may affect your dental health in the future. Visiting your dentist on a regular basis when you are pregnant is important for keeping your teeth healthy and strong.


Certain lifestyle choices as an adult can also affect your dental health. Smoking can have a huge impact on all aspects of your life, including your teeth and gums. If you are a smoker, it is important that you visit your dentist regularly to make sure that your teeth and gums remain healthy, strong and free of decay and disease. Smoking increases your chance of developing tooth decay and gum disease; therefore, you must speak to your dentist about smoking cessation and make sure that you have regular assessments so that your dentist can look for abnormalities, including signs of oral cancer.

Illness and medication

Certain illnesses and medications can also affect your dental health. Diabetes can affect your dental health, as can rheumatoid arthritis. Certain medications can also affect your teeth; for example, antidepressants can cause dry mouth and tooth decay, and antihistamines can increase gum disease, as can blood pressure medication. As you can see, at different stages of your life, your teeth can be compromised, so make sure you visit your dentist regularly to enjoy healthy teeth and gums for the rest of your life.