Every girl have a dream of maintaining long hair and a question of , but all plans fails on the maintenance part. Long hair require a lot of attention, proper diet and lot more which you can think of. But there are some simple tips which you can follow to improve your hair growth speed and also to retain its shine and volume so that your hair always remain worth it. All you have to do is to follow some easy tips which will help you with how to make your hair grow longer faster.

Get regular trimming

Yes, this might seem a little bit contradictory. But according to the researchers it is true, that newly cut hair have faster speed of hair growth. Another benefit of trimming is removal of harmful split ends. Removal of split ends allows comb to move smoothly through hair which causes less breakage and gives longer life.

Frequently massage your scalp

It is seen that massaging your scalp with coconut or almond oil helps to grow hair longer. Length of the hair are directly related with the strength, because over the time weak hair either break or fall off naturally due to deficiency of nutrients. You must at least have a massage of 15-20 minutes in every 2-3 days to keep your scalp healthy. A healthy scalp means stronger hair.

Aloe Vera works as all in one

Aloe Vera is really helpful to maintain healthy scalp . Not only it will moisturize your head but will provide your scalp the essential nourishment. It refreshes the hair roots so they hold onto your hair more strongly. You can mix Aloe Vera gel with the oil and apply on your hair with gentle massage on scalp. Apply it for half an hour or so for best results.

Drink plenty of water

Someone has said it right, water is the best cure to everything. Either you want healthy skin or long hair, you must increase the intake of water. It helps to clean the dead skin and to eliminate the toxins and acidic bacteria from the body. It flushes every unwanted entry in your body and keeps you refreshed all the time.

Do not use hair cosmetics or machines often

Girls are in fashion to use conditioners, shampoo’s and blow driers often but they are unknowingly damaging their hair. You must keep your hair clean but it does not mean every time you have to apply shampoo. Specially hot air blower, let your hair dry on their own if you will regularly use hair blower then it may lead to huge amount of hair breakage and your hair will lose shine too.

Take care before going to bed

For how to make your hair grow longer this is the fact which many girls miss because most of the hair breakage happens while they are sleeping. Before going to bed never tie your hair tightly and if they are wet then do make sure they are dry enough to make a loose pony tail. Tightly tied hair often break easily while movements in your sleep and also damages your scalp.