Chronic Disease Management

Approximately 12% of the American population has some form of thyroid disorder. People with the condition may develop heart attacks, breathing problems, and other health complications. Spring chronic disease management applies monitoring and medical care to maintain your health and address symptoms. This article outlines thyroid disorders and effective disease management modalities for optimal outcomes.

What are thyroid disorders?

The thyroid gland around the front of your neck regulates metabolic hormones. The purpose of metabolic hormones is to convert food into energy for your body.

However, the hormones from your thyroid must release the correct amounts to facilitate metabolic processes. If the thyroid is overactive, it breaks down food too quickly. As a result, it deprives the body of the energy it needs to function correctly.

Hyperthyroidism describes a condition where the thyroid is overactive. One of the symptoms is fatigue and lethargy, which occurs when the body consumes energy too rapidly.

Hyperthyroidism also speeds up the heart rate as the metabolic system tries to keep up with the thyroid hormone. Patients often experience rapid weight loss due to a higher metabolic rate.

But the gland can produce insufficient quantities of the thyroid hormone. The condition is known as hypothyroidism and also causes fatigue.

Hypothyroidism slows down the metabolic system, causing weight gain. The lag in metabolism can also affect your body’s temperature regulation.

Thyroid disorder complications

If untreated, thyroid disorders may lead to life-threatening health issues. People with hypothyroidism may develop a condition where hormones are below normal levels.

Also known as myxedema coma, the disorder causes symptoms such as drowsiness and confused thinking. The patient may require hospitalization to address breathing difficulties and hypothermia.

Hyperthyroidism increases hormone levels and often triggers an irregular heartbeat. Eventually, the patient may develop cardiovascular problems such as atrial fibrillation.

Another hyperthyroidism complication is Grave’s disease. It may cause anxiety, heartbeat palpitations, and sleep problems.

Thyroid Disorder and chronic disease management

Thyroid disorders require a thorough assessment since the disease has symptoms similar to other conditions. Pregnancy may cause changes in the body that mimic symptoms of thyroid disorders.

Your healthcare provider will request a blood test to confirm a thyroid disorder diagnosis. Blood samples will assess the hormone levels in your body to determine if you have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Your doctor will also review your medication prescription to eliminate the risks of side effects. Some drug interactions can influence the function of the thyroid gland and impact the treatment process.

Nonetheless, your doctor can effectively treat most cases of thyroid disorders with medication and beta blockers. Radioactive iodine can block tissues producing hormones to alleviate hyperthyroidism symptoms. Surgical procedures are only necessary for severe cases that require thyroidectomy.

Your healthcare provider will discuss the assessment results and suggest treatment options. Since hormonal balance is crucial for managing symptoms, the process also includes routine checks and monitoring. Chronic disease management can restore your vitality and sense of well-being.

To schedule a chronic disease management consultation, contact Comprehensive Care Clinic, or book your appointment online today.