Pelvic Floor Issues

If you are dealing with issues with your pelvic floor, you are not alone! Millions of Americans struggle with these conditions, ranging from problems with bladder function to back pain. A pelvic floor disorder develops when you cannot properly coordinate or relax muscles in your pelvic floor. While Pearland pelvic floor disorders are more common in older women, you do not have to accept them as a normal element of aging. These pelvic floor disorders are avoidable, and numerous alternatives exist for persons with these concerns. Meanwhile, continue reading to learn about common pelvic floor issues.

1. Urinary Urgency or Frequency

The typical adult makes 6-8 visits to the washroom every day. However, if you have to visit the washroom more frequently than every two hours or rush to the washroom to avoid leaking, it might indicate an overactive bladder.

An overactive bladder develops once the bladder’s muscular fiber contracts too often or suddenly, generating the urgency to visit the washroom. However, a strong pelvic floor could offer a reflex to the bladder’s bothersome contractility, which reduces urgency and gives you control.

2. Stress Urinary Incontinence

You might have stress urinary incontinence if you notice you leak a tiny bit of urine whenever you laugh, cough, or sneeze. This condition is characterized by involuntary urine leakage caused by physical activities that strain your bladder. This condition often develops once the pelvic muscles that support the urethra and bladder become weakened or damaged, often during childbirth.

3. Bowel Movement Problems

Defecation is a complicated sequence of linked processes that entail the relaxation and contraction of pelvic muscles. For this reason, a compromised pelvic floor could occasionally result in bowel dysmotility and problems passing stool. This concern is known as Dyssynergic Defecation. This issue occasionally manifests as spastic pain or constipation during defecation or a feeling of incomplete defecation.

4. Pelvic Pain, Back Pain or Discomfort During Intercourse

You engage your pelvic floor muscles during your everyday activities. These muscles help you maintain proper posture and coordinated movements. Sadly, once the muscles become damaged or weakened, they frequently trigger pelvic and back pain and restrict coordination and flexibility. Likewise, a weakened or damaged pelvic floor could result in discomfort during intercourse and, specifically, orgasms, as the pelvic floor muscles generally contract forcefully.

5. Vaginal or Uterine Prolapse

Pelvic floor damage during delivery makes the structures held inside the pelvis protrude or sage into the vagina, and sometimes outside the vaginal opening. Vaginal or uterine prolapse becomes more prevalent with age due to the decline in the body’s estrogen generation and the loss of strength and elasticity in tissues. A feeling of pelvic pressure and heaviness and a prominent bulge on the vagina, especially after long-standing, straining, and heavy lifting are common.

Pelvic floor problems are more prevalent than you think. Unfortunately, most women with pelvic floor conditions suffer in silence. This habit of shying away from therapy is often because most people are embarrassed about their condition. However, a lack of understanding of when to seek therapy is also a huge factor. Most women do not understand their symptoms or know that these concerns could be because of underlying issues that need medical attention. If any of the conditions discussed above sound familiar, seek a professional diagnosis and explore your treatment options.