Dental Care

Preventive dental care involves adopting healthy habits to protect your teeth and gums. Flossing and brushing your teeth are critical for your oral health. Dr. Maham Siddiqui encourages patients to focus on preventive steps to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Here is an outline of what the process entails.

Why preventive care?

Dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease develop gradually over time. Factors like diet, pre-existing illnesses, or poor dental hygiene can cause oral health problems.

A dental checkup is another crucial aspect of preventive care. Dental professionals recommend visiting your dentist twice a year. Some patients may require more frequent visits depending on their oral hygiene routine and pre-existing medical conditions.

A dental checkup can detect the subtlest signs of gum disease or tooth decay. Most people realize they have periodontitis or cavities when they experience discomfort or pain. By that time, their oral health problems are at an advanced stage.

Severe gum disease or cavities require invasive dental interventions. Early detection can prevent complications that are expensive and complicated to treat.

You should visit the dentist more often if you are at high risk of dental health problems. Some of the factors that may increase your risk include:

  • Diabetes or a weak immune response
  • Smoking and heavy drinking
  • Pregnancy and medication
  • Plaque and tartar accumulation

Preventive dental care treatments

Your dentist will evaluate your medical history and oral health status during your checkup. Several treatments can improve the condition of your teeth and gums.

Preventive dental care treatments may include:

Professional teeth cleaning

Regularly brushing and flossing your teeth can prevent plaque and tartar buildup. But your teeth can accumulate plaque and tartar due to neglect. Some areas of your oral cavity are also challenging to clean, making your teeth prone to cavities.

Tartar is a stubborn deposit that develops from plaque. If you fail to clean your teeth, tartar can form within 24 hours. Only a trained dentist can remove plaque from your teeth to prevent cavities and gum disease.

You may also require deep cleaning to remove plaque and tartar under the gum line. Your provider will use specialized tools to eliminate deposits on your tooth’s root. Deep cleaning is essential for preventing tooth loss and gum inflammation.

Dental sealants

Dental sealants are applied on the surface of your back teeth when they are susceptible to cavities. The back teeth contain grooves where food and cavity-causing bacteria can hide.

According to the CDC, a sealant application can prevent 80% of cavities on the molars. The thin coating can last up to four years while protecting your teeth from decay.

Fluoride treatments

Fluoride is a natural compound that strengthens the teeth when in contact with the enamel. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste can prevent tooth decay. But your dentist may recommend fluoride treatment if you are at high risk of cavities.

While fluoride is often associated with children, it can also be effective in preventing cavities in adults. The process involves applying a paste with high fluoride concentrations to strengthen the enamel.

You can learn more about preventive care by scheduling an appointment with SPA Dental Group today.